A borehole view represents a collection of logs and drawing objects used to graphically display data for one or more boreholes. A borehole view may be derived from a template file or it can be created from a default view window with the necessary log items defined to create the borehole. The borehole view displays the true data for the project once data are defined in the project file.
You are presented with an empty borehole view when you first start Strater.
During a Strater session, new projects with an empty borehole view are created with the File | New Project command. New borehole views in an existing project are created with the Home | New | Borehole View command. Alternatively, you can right-click in the View Manager and select New Borehole View.
Existing borehole views are opened by clicking the appropriate Borehole tab, checking the box next to the borehole name in the View Manager, or by selecting Window |[Borehole name]. By default, the first borehole view is named Borehole 1 so this borehole view would be opened by choosing the Window | Borehole 1 command. To open an existing project, use the File | Open command.
are three main components of a borehole view: the log pane, header
pane, and footer pane. The panes are outlined when you open a blank borehole
view. The upper rectangle is the header pane, the middle rectangle is
the log pane, and the bottom rectangle is the footer pane. You can change
the rectangle line properties in the View
Properties. The size of the header, log, and footer panes is defined
by clicking File
| Page Setup.
The header and footer panes generally contain static, unlinked information. The header and footer items are used repeatedly with minimal changes when different borehole data are applied to the view. Two objects are exceptions to the static unlinked information "rule": linked text and some scale bars. Linked text data changes as new data is applied to the view. Horizontal scale bars can be associated with some log items, a cross section, or they can be created as a stand-alone, static object. When the scale bar is linked to a log or cross section, the scale bar changes as changes are made to the linked item.
The log pane contains all the graphical log items to display the borehole data. This pane is dependent on linked tables and columns to create the graphical view. The log pane is also dependent on depth and scaling values. These values determine the size of the pane rectangle and/or the number of pages. The log pane can also contain legends, text and linked text, drawn objects, and imported images, as well.
Strater permits multiple boreholes to appear in the same borehole view. You can define multiple boreholes with a single table, distinguished by a hole ID, or you can create several tables that define different boreholes in each table. This allows you to quickly change the borehole graphics in the borehole view.
Appended to the borehole view name is the borehole ID associated with the data displayed in the view. In the following example, the Hole ID of this borehole view is DH-2:
Click the borehole tab at the top of the
Strater window to open a borehole view.
If there is more than one borehole represented by the logs in a borehole view, the associated borehole view tab's name ends with -Multi-.
If there is more than one borehole in the borehole
view, the label of the tab reads -Multi-.
Strater creates 14 different types of logs in the borehole view. Click on the links below for more information on each of the log types.
Scale bars, linked text, drawing objects, legends, and images can be added to the borehole view at any location.
For detailed information, refer to the Creating a Borehole topic. In general, you can add a log to any borehole view by following these steps:
Click the Log | Create Log | [log type] command for the object you want to create. For instance, if you want to create a line/symbol log, click the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command.
Click on the log pane where you want the log to be located.
In the dialog, select the data file to use. An existing table can be selected in the Use Current Table list.
If a new data file was selected, step through the importing process. The log will be displayed.
Any customizations can be made by selecting the log and making changes in the Property Manager.
See Also