To create the deviated boreholes in the cross section view, a new cross section view must be created with the wells to be displayed. The properties of the cross section are then edited to display the deviations from the survey table.
the Home | New
| Cross Section View command or click the
button to open a new cross
section view.
Click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Create Cross Section command to create a new cross section.
In the Create Well Selector dialog,
Click on the T-4 well in the Wells in selector list. Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the T-4 well to the top of the list.
Click on the T-45 well in the Wells in selector list. Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the T-45 well to the bottom of the list.
Click OK.
In the Import Cross Section Data dialog, notice that Lithology/Zone bar log is selected and that each Hole ID has a Table and Data Column defined. Click OK.
To show the well labels, click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Add Well Headers command.
The cross section is created, showing a lithology log for each well and the connecting layers between wells.
The original cross section is created with the wells displayed as vertical.
To change the wells so that the deviation paths are displayed, the Logs layer, Cross Section object, and cross section View properties need to be edited.
Click on the Logs item in the Object Manager.
In the Property Manager, click on the Logs tab.
Set the Hole Inclination Column to [From survey table]: Survey.
Notice that the Hole Azimuth Column automatically changes to the survey table.
Click on the Cross Section object in the Object Manager.
On the Cross Section tab, check the box next to the Display Logs As Deviated option.
If desired, click Yes in the dialog so that the Depth Method is automatically set to True Vertical Depth. Alternatively, click No and set the Depth Method manually.
Click the View | Display | View Properties command.
Click on the View tab in the Property Manager.
Set the Depth Method to True Vertical Depth.
If prompted to recreate the cross section, click Yes and the deviated wells are displayed in the cross section view.
The cross section is updated showing the deviations for the wells.
The wells in the cross section are updated to show the deviations.
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