Wells Layer - Label Page

To move the label for an individual well, click on that well name in the Object Manager.


Click on the individual well, such as

DH-9, to edit only that well's properties.


Then, set the Labels properties in the Property Manager.


Set the position for individual

wells on the Labels tab.


Offset Types

The Offset Types lists the locations around the wells where the labels are positioned. Available options are Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, or User Defined. To change the position, click on the existing option and select the desired location from the list.


Custom Offset Amount

The X Offset and Y Offset control how far away the labels are drawn from the well location when the Offset Types is set to User Defined. Changing the X Offset moves the labels horizontally. Changing the Y Offset moves the labels vertically. Positive values move the labels right and up on the page. The offset amount is in page units and refers to the location away from the well location where the center of the labels will be located. To change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the distance from the well. Values are between -2 and 2 inches.



The Angle option specifies the angle at which the labels are drawn. Positive angles rotate label in a counterclockwise direction. Values must be between 0 and 360 degrees. To change the Angle, highlight the existing value and type a new number or click the to increase or decrease the angle.


Moving All Well Labels at Once

To edit the labels displayed on the Wells layer, click on the Wells map layer in the Object Manager. The Wells properties are listed in the Property Manager. Click on the Label tab to display labels for all wells and change the label properties.



See Also

Map View

Creating a New Map View

Creating a Wells Map

Wells - Label Page

Editing Individual Wells