The Table tab is available when a data table or project settings table is selected. The following commands are included in the Table tab:
View information about all tables in the project |
Delete the current table |
Rename the current table |
Edit column properties (name, description, units) |
Open the New Scheme dialog to create a scheme |
Convert the current depth table into an interval table |
Convert the current interval table into a lithology table |
Define a new set of rows for a new Hole ID |
Remove the current set of borehole data |
Updates borehole names if they have changed |
Assigns a Hole ID to every empty Hole ID cell |
Rename the selected Hole IDs |
Create a WellRender module in Voxler from the selected data |
Create a VolRender module in Voxler from the selected data |
Supply image file names for the log |
See Also