Fill Style Editor

The Fill Style Editor creates or modifies fill styles. Open the Fill Style Editor by clicking the button in the fill Style field in the Property Manager or Scheme Editor or by clicking the New Style or Modify Style buttons in the Fill Style Manager. Fill styles created with the Fill Style Editor can incorporate multiple Solid, Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line layers.


Create and modify fill styles with the Fill Style Editor.



The Fill Style Editor includes a preview image of the fill style. The preview is created from the visible fill style layers in the Layers section.



The Layers section displays all the layers in the fill style. Click a layer to edit the layer's appearance.


Adding and Removing Layers

Click the to add a new layer to the fill style. The selected layer is duplicated when the is clicked. The new layer appears at the top of the Layers list. Click the to remove the selected layer from the fill style. Deleting a layer cannot be undone.


Changing Layer Order

Layers are drawn in order from bottom to top of the Layers list. Therefore the top layer in the Layers list will be drawn on top of all the other layers. Click the to move the selected layer up one position in the list. Click the to move the selected layer down one position in the list.


Layer Properties

The right side of the Fill Style Editor contains the layer properties. The displayed properties are determined by the layer's Fill type. Select Solid, Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, or Line from the Fill type list to specify the layer type. Fill styles can include multiple layers of any fill type.


Nearly all of the properties in the Fill Style Editor are displayed in the Property Manager Fill page. The explanation for these properties are located in the Fill Properties help topic. The Image layer Load from property is only available in the Fill Style Editor. The Vector layer drawing area is only available in the Fill Style Editor. These properties that are not located in the Property Manager are explained below.


Load an Image to an Image Layer

Click the File or Clipboard buttons in the Load from field to load an image file to the fill layer. Click File to select the image file in the Import dialog. Click Clipboard to load the image file that is currently on the clipboard. An error message is displayed if the clipboard is empty or does not contain image data.


Creating and Editing Vector Layer

Select Vector to apply a custom vector fill layer to the fill style. The Vector layer type includes a drawing area in addition to the layer properties. Draw a pattern in the drawing area to create a vector fill layer.


Drawing Lines

The drawing area is in draw mode and the cursor is a crosshair by default. Click once in the draw area to begin drawing a line. A line is displayed in black as it is being drawn. Move the cursor to the desired endpoint for the line and click once to finish drawing the line. The line is added to the fill layer and displayed in blue. Continue drawing lines until the desired pattern is created.


Selecting and Erasing Lines

Quickly erase a single line by double-clicking the line with the drawing mode cursor (crosshair). If you wish to select the line to ensure you are deleting the correct line, first click the button to enable the select tool. Next click on the desired line. The selected line is displayed in red. If you wish to remove the selected line, click the button. The delete button is disabled when no lines are selected.


Clearing the Drawing Area

Click the button to clear all lines from the drawing area.



Click the button to undo changes to the drawing area. There are 10 undo levels in Fill Style Editor.


Saving the Fill Style

Depending on how the Fill Style Editor was accessed, the bottom of the Fill Style Editor may contain a Name property or a Save to Style List button.


When the Fill Style Editor is opened via the Fill Style Manager New Style or Modify Style button, enter a name for the custom fill style in the Name field.


When the Fill Style Editor is opened by clicking the button in the Property Manager or Scheme Editor, click the Save to Style List button to save the custom fill style. Enter a name for the fill style in the Style Name dialog. Click OK to save the fill style. Click Cancel to close the Style Name dialog without saving the fill style. The default name for the new fill style is the original fill style name with a number appended to the end. For example, if the Solid fill style is modified, Solid 1 is the default name in the Style Name dialog.


OK and Cancel

When the Fill Style Editor is opened via the Fill Style Manager, click the OK button to save the new or modified fill style with the current Name. Click Cancel to close the Fill Style Editor without making changes to the new or modified fill style. The OK button is disabled if the Name field is empty or contains only spaces.


When the Fill Style Editor is opened via the Property Manager, click the OK button to make the changes to the fill style for the selected object. These changes are NOT saved to the fill style, and only apply to the selected object. To save the changes, click Save to Style List in the Fill Style Editor and give the style a new name in the Style Name dialog. You cannot overwrite existing styles with this method. To make changes to existing fill styles, use the Fill Style Manager. Click Cancel to close the Fill Style Editor without making any changes to the selected object's fill.



See Also

Fill Style Manager

Fill Properties

Line Properties

Property Manager