Connect Logs with Layers

Click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Connect Logs with Layers command to create new layers in a lithology, zone bar, line/symbol, or depth-registered raster log cross section. If the command is unavailable, click on the Cross Section, Logs, or Layers object in the Object Manager before selecting the command. The Connect Logs with Layers command can be used to draw all layers on a cross section or can be used as an editing tool to add additional layers or pinchouts to existing layers on a cross section.


Manually Drawing Layers

  1. Click on the Cross Section object to select the cross section.

  2. Click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Connect Logs with Layers command.

  3. In the Select Or Enter Layer Name dialog, type a layer name or select a layer name from the list and click OK.

  4. The cross section is now in layer drawing mode:

    1. Click on a log where the layer should connect with the log.

    2. Hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard and click between logs to add points.

    3. Hold down the CTRL key to click on another layer and constrain the connecting line to a 45 degree angle (0, 45, 90, etc).

    4. Hold down the SHIFT and ALT keys on the keyboard and click between logs to snap the new point to an existing point on a different layer.

    5. Hold down the SHIFT and CTRL keys on the keyboard to connect two points with a line at a 45 degree angle.

  5. Draw points around the entire area, including the sides, top surface, and bottom surface.

  6. Double-click the last point or press ENTER on the keyboard to accept the changes.

  7. Additional layers with this same layer name can be created by following the steps 4, 5, and 6 to draw additional polygons.

  8. Press ESC to end drawing layers mode.


See Also

Cross Section View

Creating a Cross Section

Creating and Editing a Line/Symbol Log Cross Section

Create/Edit Layer Marks

Import Layer Marks

Cross Section Tab Commands