Date/Time Format Builder Dialog

In the Text Editor dialog, click the button to open the Date/Time Format Builder dialog. From the worksheet, click the button in the Format Cells dialog Number page. The Date/Time Format Builder dialog is also accessed by clicking the button in the Date/Time format field in the Label Format Properties section of the Property Manager when the label format Type is Date/time. When the Date/Time Format Builder is used to insert date/time math text instruction with the Text Editor, the date/time will update every time the project updates.


The Date/Time Format Builder dialog is used to insert or

create date/time formats for worksheet cells or text objects.


Date/Time Format

Type a Date/Time Format into the Date/Time format (edit to change) field to set the date/time format. You can also use the Language (Country) and Predefined date/time formats lists to insert multiple date/time formats and languages.


Language (Country)

By default, the program will use the computer's default language settings for displaying the date/time options in the worksheet. The computer default is controlled by the Windows Control Panel. Refer to your Windows documentation for information about setting the locale. The Language (Country) uses the same codes to override the display. For instance, if the date/time values should always be displayed in English, regardless of locale, you could select English (United States) - [$-409] and click the Insert button. Insert the locale setting first in the Date/Time format box. Any cells with the specified language will appear in that language. In addition, the options in the Predefined date/time formats will change to show the common formats for that locale.  Locale IDs are input as [$-####] in the Date/Time format field, where the #### is the locale identifier.


Note: The Insert button must be clicked after selecting the Language (Country) option. Simply selecting the Language (Country) does not change the Date/Time format. The Date/Time format does not change until Insert is clicked.


Predefined Date/Time Formats

The Predefined date/time formats list contains the common formats for the selected Language (Country) option or for your Windows locale. Available formats are made of combinations of year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, and AM/PM designation. Years are shown as yy or yyyy. Months are shown as M, MM, MMM, MMMM, or MMMMM. Days are shown as d, dd, ddd, or dddd. Hours are shown as h, hh, H, HH, or [h]. Minutes are shown as m, mm, or [mm]. Seconds are shown as ss, ss.0, ss.00, ss.000, ss.0000, or [ss]. AM/PM designation is shown as tt or TT. BC/AD designation  is shown as gg or GG. BCE/CE designation is shown as g, G, ggg, or GGG. Refer to formats for information about each specific option.


Note: The Insert button must be clicked after selecting the Predefined date/time formats option. Simply selecting the Predefined date/time formats does not change the Date/Time format. The Date/Time format does not change until Insert is clicked.



The Sample text updates to show a sample of the current entry in the Date/Time format (edit to change) field.



See Also

Date Time Formats

Text Editor

Format Cells